Q: Does an acupuncture treatment hurt?
A: The needles used are extremely fine, generally a skilled acupuncturist will cause no pain.
Q: How long will the treatment take?
A: It takes about 40-50 minutes for an acupuncture treatment.
Q: Are there any side effects from an acupuncture treatment?
A: There are no harmful side effects from an acupuncture treatment. In fact, most patients feel more calm and relaxed after an acupuncture treatment. There is also no conflict between acupuncture and conventional medical treatments.
Q: Does my health insurance cover acupuncture treatments?
A: Some health insurance policies cover acupuncture treatments. We can contact your insurance company to verify coverage. We also handle Worker's Compensation cases.
Q: How many acupuncture treatments are necessary?
A: The number of treatments needed depends upon the type and severity of the illness and the patient's general state of health. While some patient may feel better after one treatment, others may require 2-4 treatments to notice improvement.
Q: What conditions have been effectively treated by acupuncture?
A: The following conditions are the most commonly seen by acupuncturists.